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This page is to provide our rate payers and the general public with important and current information regarding the municipality.

Important Dates

November 13, 2024 - Election


Division 1 Councilor - Newly Elected - Denis Marchildon, Defeated - Guy McCrea (incumbent),

Reeve - Newly Elected - Lloyd Seymour, Defeated - Ian Boxall (incumbent),

December 11, 2024 - Council Renumeration Set at Council Meeting

December 31, 2024 - Taxes Due


ROAD CLOSURE - July - October 2024

Bridge construction has begun at N 22-46-13. New Osgoode road will be closed at this location. See detour. This double bridge replacement is funded in part by Rural Integrated Roads for Growth (RIRG) which is a Ministry of Highways municipal funding program.

Leason detour_edited.jpg


Perrault's Bridge NE 31-46-14 - closed to all traffic.  Please use alternate access.


Bridge at SE 20-46-13 closed permanently to traffic. (Neale's)

Image by Dave Hoefler


As per recent legislation changes, all municipalities are now required to have a building bylaw. This means that before any building will require a development permit. 


Check out the Public Notice page for information on the updated Zoning and Community Planning Bylaws.


Tax Notices 2024 

Tax Notices were mailed on July 22, 2024 and are deemed delivered after 7 business days.  If you haven't received yours, please call the office.  Non-receipt of notice does not mean they are not due.


Sask Lotteries Community Grant funding is now available.  If your group provides a sport, culture or recreation service with the RM or surrounding area, fill out the APPLICATION and submit to the RM Office. 

Projects running April 1, to March 31.


Changes to Dust Control

Due to the loss of the Clearing the Path program, the RM will no longer be able to cost share the cost of dust control.


New Fees for Private Lane Snow Removal

$600 / season (up to 6 times) PREPAID

Additional plows: $200/hr

Lanes over 1/4 mile long: $200/hr



As of January 1, 2020, the RM of Connaught will no longer be a member of BARWA. All rate payers will have access to the Tisdale Landfill. For landfill times and rates, go to

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